Tag Archives: Berlin

Odd Ducks

Odd duck walkingOdd female duckI first noticed this pair of odd ducks in January, when they hung around with the congregation on the Spree. They always kept a bit to themselves at the very edge of the crowd. In March they moved over to a little pond in the Englischer Garten by the Teehaus, where they appear to be the only resident ducks. I assume that they are mallard hybrids, as they resemble these other examples fairly closely. They are most certainly a pair.

Real Estate: House Sparrows at Home

Sparrow house 6 The male sparrows were busy guarding their property this afternoon in the Tiergarten. The women were either gathering food or busy inside the houses. Look closely, you might see one below.
The birdhouses and the trees are all numbered here, this being Germany. You could probably send a postcard to this sparrow: “Herrn Spatz von Sperlingdorf, Hausnr. 76, Baum 144-15, Großer Weg, Tiergarten, 10557 Berlin”

Sparrow house 4Sparrow house 7 Sparrow house 3Sparrow house 5 Sparrow house 2 Sparrow house 1