
HawfinchThe last few weeks were abnormally cold and snowy here in Berlin. These conditions not only meant that the birds were hungry, but also that I didn’t get out much to observe them. To remedy this situation I covered the window boxes on my balcony with sunflower seeds every morning, and soon found that I had many visitors. Above is one of a troop of hawfinches that would appear every morning.

I was able to get these shots through the window while I was sitting at my desk. Of course every time I would get up to get a clearer photograph of any bird, that bird would immediately fly away. So these photos were taken from across the room, using the zoom on my little camera. Hamlet (the cat) watched with great interest from his spot in the window.

A eurasian siskin, the first time that I have seen one near my apartment.

A eurasian siskin, the first time that I have seen one near my apartment.

A cautious lady blackbird

A cautious lady blackbird

A sparrow and a great tit hiding behind the primroses.

A sparrow and a great tit hiding behind the primroses.

The backside of the siskin.

The backside of the siskin.

A blue tit, one of many.

A blue tit, one of many.

A female sparrow

A female sparrow

Hamlet is very interested...

Hamlet is very interested…

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